
Valhalla Viking Festival is a non-profit event, entirely organised by Andreea and Steve. It is mostly set up, ran and taken down with the help of volunteers.
Volunteering is a fantastic way to form long lasting relationships and firendships as well as getting insight to one of the biggest Viking camping festivals in the UK. Bonds formed in the fires of a different kind of battle full of laughter, banter and .... chaos (sometimes) if we're being honest. Volunteering is it's own kind of wild experience and those who have joined forces to bring the festival to life, often return for the sense of camaraderie and the feeling of pride in putting together a different kind of Viking festival where you don't only spectate, but you can take part in so many things. It truly feels like you're becoming part of the Valhalla Horde.
Everyone who attends (excepting entertainers) pays for their own ticket. YOU NEED A TICKET TO BE ABLE TO VOLUNTEER for the day you're volunteering on (for the first year only if you're a core volunteer). If you have a weekend ticket you can volunteer anytime from Set up to Take Down.
Volunteers have a special insight to Valhalla and there is a long lasting connection between many that helped out.
We'd appreciate everyone to consider volunteering to help the event run smoothly, even if it is only for an hour or two but for those hard core helpers, we'll include a free 2026 ticket with feast. This is your event as much as it is our vision. To apply for volunteering please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.
If you're looking to offer a workshop, talk or get involved a different way, please see the participate page
Volunteer Benefits
You'll find a friendly community - a very great way to make new friends and be a part of something special.
You'll get a real sense of pride from the fact that you're bringing the festival to life
AFTER PARTY Monday night, once most of the work is out of the way, we'll put on a special get together. Surrounded by the Gods (statues), with lights and a Valhalla fire pit, we'll bring out the BBQs and drinks (sponsored by SkullVikings) and celebrate, tell stories of our experiences, sing by the fire and more. For Steve, myself and Freya, this is where the heart of Valhalla truly beats so if you're volunteering, we hope you'll join us for the post-event Victory celebration.
We'll also have some benefits to volunteers based on the amount of time volunteering. Volunteering quite a bit of your time? You'll receive a free festival t-shirt and if you're one of the core volunteers (meaning you've jumped in to help when needed and did at least 72h over the 7 days of the festival anytime from set up to take down) you'll receive a free ticket to Valhalla 2026 with feast included.
Why don't we give out tickets to the current festival? Unfortunately others have promised in the past to help with a free ticket to the year they were coming to then did not show up for shifts or helped when someone was needed which caused the chaos aforementioned so to avoid this, we're unable to offer free tickets to the current festival but instead offer free tickets to the following one if you're a core volunteer. the free tickets work on a delayed reward. Volunteer a decent amount of time in 2025, get a free full ticket to 2026. If you do not volunteer a decent amount of time in 2026, then you do not receive a full ticket to 2027. If you volunteer a decent amount of time in 2026, you get a free full ticket to 2027. It basically resets every year.
Anyone who volunteered any amount of time at all, even if it is for moving a few things around and is still around Monday evening is welcome to join in our volunteer only inner party.
Volunteers are needed for

Who can volunteer?
If you've purchased a ticket but want to get involved as well please fill in the form to let us know. If you're a supplier and want to get involved, we welcome the help as well! If you have any limitations, conditions or plans we need to be aware of, we just ask to be kept in the loop so you can enjoy your time and we can plan accordingly.
We only ask that you follow the two golden rules:
1. Don't over-commit yourself
2. Tell us if you can't do something
Telling us quickly of what you can or can't do will help us plan accordingly. We understand that everyone who volunteers at Valhalla also has other commitments so we plan ahead to cope with this.
What sort of jobs are there?
We have two main areas: Setup/tear-down and Open jobs. The jobs whilst the Festival is open is more varied and includes gateway/entrance, ticket checking, directing public, serving during the fest, tidying/cleaning, stewarding, kitchen, bar and more so there will be a wide choice of areas to work in.
Where appropriate or needed, tools and safety gear is provided.
To get involved
To apply please buy a ticket first then fill in the form at the bottom of the page.
If you're not ready to apply, you can join the mailing list at the bottom of the website which is the main low-traffic email list we use for announcing volunteer calls, news and updates. You can also contact us at info@valhallavikingfestival.com
Volunteering before and after the festival
Setting up the event requires a lot of work. We have spaces in decorating and more and help with set up is greatly appreciated. Volunteers who help with set up are able to camp any day from the Tuesday and those helping with tear down can leave anytime until Wednesday evening at the latest.
We're greatly appreciative of help during the take down after the event.
If you want to help with either setup or tear-down you will need a ticket to Valhalla. We do not allow under-18's on site during setup or tear-down without explicit permission.
During setup and tear-down, Valhalla is a construction site and we are liable for your safety. If you don’t follow instructions we will be forced to remove you from site, for your and everyone's safety.
If you’re on site for setup/tear-down you have to help with everything - not just what you’re interested in exceptions being made for physical limitations. There’s plenty of lifting and shifting that requiring a degree of physical fitness and mobility, but if you’re not actively helping, we will ask you to leave.
How do I know where I'm needed?
You sogn up for shifts.
Closer to the date an online booking system will be live and you can sign up for shifts so you can track where you are needed and when.
We also have a WhatsApp chat for anything that pops up. This chat is active all year long and is a great way to get to know oyur fellow volunteers ahead of time so you'll be working with friends already.
Volunteering T&Cs
All volunteers must comply with the site rules.

If the form below doesn't load send us an email to andreea@valhallavikingfestival.com with the following info