Site Rules
Visitors Terms & Conditions
An unpleasant but necessary part, please be aware of our terms and conditions. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to our site rules.

In order to enter the festival, visitors require a valid festival ticket. A valid festival ticket can be purchased online. Each ticket barcode is unique and only the first person to display the original barcode on the ticket will be admitted into the venue. Ticket copying is strictly forbidden. The purchaser is fully responsible for using both the ticket original and the duplicate. The festival organizers cannot be held accountable for harmful or malevolent ticket use. Tickets are non-refundable but they are transferable. Contact us to notify of owner changes prior to event.
When you arrive, you will receive a wristband at the gate which must be worn for the duration of the event. The wristband allows you free access to the festival during the weekend. Different coloured wristbands will be provided for those under the age of 18. Festival wristbands may not be removed, cut, torn or damaged in any way or they cease to be valid
Please bring your eticket with you or we may not be able to guarantee entry should internet systems fail on site. You don't need to print it, just show it on any mobile device to be verified. Your tickets are nin-transferable, they cannot be purchased from a third party, they can only be purchased through the official festival website.
Please be aware that your bags may be checked when you enter the festival terrain. If your costume contains weapon props you may be asked to submit those for inspection as well to make sure they cannot cause actual harm.
Visitors will not be allowed to stay on the festival terrain after the festival closes, only the camping area to avoid damage being caused.
It is not allowed to sleep in the car park. Sleeping is only permitted in the campsite or off site should you wish not to camp.
Children under 16 special rates TBC. Age 16 and up must purchase an adult ticket
Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
Ticket Holders agree, if asked, to provide proof of age and/or personal identification at the entrance gates or when being served during the Feast.
It is not allowed to pass on your wristband to another person
It is prohibited to enter the event area under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. If noticed you may be denied access without the right to a ticket refund.
Valhalla Viking Festival LTD reserves the right to deny access to the festival or remove a person from the festival and/or campsite when they feel there is a valid reason to do so. Valid reasons could be, but are not limited to, possession of weapons, possession or use of drugs, aggressive behaviour to other visitors, traders or staff, indecent clothing, any act in violation of UK law or violation of the house rules.
Mistreating of volunteers and staff will result in immediate removal off site.
It is not allowed to bring food or non-alcoholic beverages to the Festival grounds other than on the camping area for personal use and in limited quantities. Personal alcohol is only allowed in the camping site.
It is not allowed to bring alcoholic beverages to the Festival venue.
Without written permission from the organization or Valhalla Viking Festival LTD it is not allowed to sell goods or services on the festival terrain, car park, campsite or castle grounds.
It is prohibited to distribute flyers, posters and/or banners or other promotional activities at the event area and/or parking areas without the written consent of the organization
Visitors are free (and encouraged) to dress in any way they like as long as the clothing is respectful to other visitors and does not cross the line of decency. The organization has the right to refuse access when it feels these rules are broken.
Not allowed are costumes or items that are of a political nature (extreme left, extreme right) or can be seen as discriminatory. Nazi symbols in any form or shape are also not allowed.
Guests must behave respectfully to each other, festival staff, volunteers, traders and anyone else they may meet on the festival terrain. (Verbal) violence will not be tolerated. If you have a dispute, please contact a member of Valhalla Viking Festival LTD.
Feast alcohol.
Please note there will be terms to the serving such as not being allowed to stack drinks or receive top ups when your glass/horn is not empty. If you are deemed as being too enhibriated, you will not be served. If you are aggressive towards any if the volunteers you may be removed from the feast hall or even the site without a refund. Please drink responsibly and don't be an ass about it.
No Snobbery
There will be a mix of people who are attending because of their love or interest in Norse and Viking culture and mythology. Please refrain from Snobbery regarding Authenticity of attire. Let's just have a good time and worry about being your most Viking self as you feel it pertains to yourself and not ruin it for someone else. Authentic attire, modern attire and fantasy attire are all welcomed.
Cancellation and Refund policy
For reasons of force majeure the Organizer can decide to cancel the Event at short notice. If the Event is cancelled because of force majeure no new date will be set. In this case, no entry fees and/or additional expenses will be refunded to the ticket owner.
The Organizer is not liable for any costs incurred by the Participant if the festival has to be cancelled because of force majeure.
Refunds for already purchased Festival tickets will be possible only in the case of cancellation of the entire Festival event, which is not caused by force majeure.
There will be no refunds for purchased tickets for any other reason or cancellation of one or more artists confirmed to play the Festival event.
You are allowed to transfer your ticket to someone else with notification done prior to the event in writing form us.
Tickets are sold subject to the organizers right to change, vary or cancel the scheduled activities and performances due to events or circumstances beyond their control without being obliged to a refund.
2019/2020 tickets are no longer eligible to be moved or refunded. the deadline for this was 31st of January 2021
Dogs and other pets
Pets are allowed into the festival grounds and camping site. Dogs must be kept on their leads at all times while on the main festival grounds. The festival is not liable for any injuries caused to or by your pet so please be aware of this while deciding if you should bring your pet.
On-site fire is highly controlled. Cooking fires or BBQs are permitted on camping site as long as no damage is caused to the ground or grass. Ignoring this rule may result in immediate removal off site without the right to a refund. Camping stoves are allowed so far as they do not cause any burns or damage to the grass underneath.
A communal BBQ and cooking area will be arranged by the festival organisers. Please bring your own coals and lighters to use and leave the BBQ and cooking area clean for the next people to use when you’re done.

Valhalla Viking Festival LTD is not responsible for any cost or damage to visitors or items caused by direct or indirect actions from other visitors, traders or the venue owner during or related to the festival.
Valhalla Viking Festival LTD cannot be held liable in any way for the damage or loss of property on the campsite or parking site.
Valhalla Viking Festival LTD cannot be held liable for personal accidents on the festival terrain, the campsite or the car park.
Participation at the festival is at the Visitor’s own risk. The Organiser is not liable for any damages, by whatever name, suffered by a Visitor as a result of the participation, unless the damage is a direct consequence of deliberate intent or gross negligence on the part of the Organiser. This exclusion of liability also applies to serious damages such as all possible damages resulting from injury or death. Valhalla Viking Festival LTD cannot be held liable for goods that are sold by the traders
Valhalla Viking Festival LTD cannot be held liable for any defects on products sold by the traders
Parking is available at the event at a cost of £10-£20 for the entire weekend stay (Friday-Sunday) and £3.00-£3.50 for day visitors based on the day attending.
Valhalla Viking Festival LTD. is not responsible or liable for any damage incurred on the parking lot to persons, cars or items.
Parking is sold separately to tickets. It is not included in the cost of any day or weekend tickets and must be pre-booked due to limited space available.
Parking does not give access to camping or staying over night. You cannot camp if you are a day visitor and you cannot remain overnight on festival grounds. You can't sleep in the car park over night. No exceptions.
Sale of alcohol
Alcohol will only to those of legal drinking age (18+) Please bring photo ID.
A special wristband will be provided to you when you arrive at the festival. By wearing this wristband you can purchase alcohol without the need to show ID each time.
Buying alcohol for people under the age of 18 is illegal. If we notice you doing this, we reserve the right to remove you from the terrain without the right to a refund.
During the Feast where free alcohol will be provided, it will only be provided to those over the age of 18. It is illegal to transfer your drink to someone under the legal age of 18. If we notice you doing this, we reserve the right to remove you from the terrain without the right to a refund.
Staff & Volunteers – no abuse will be tolerated
Volunteers and staff are on site to help the event run smoothly, giving up their time and enjoyment of the festival for everyone else to have a safe and amazing time. Please respect them and treat them as you wish to be treated. Any mistreatment of the team will be dealt with severely. abuse can even lead to removal from the grounds without a refund by one of our strong Vikings.
Video and Photography
Visitors agree to be photographed, filmed or recorded as part of the audience or as part of performance. All video, photo and audio materials acquired on festival site is subject to be used in promotional materials for the festival without any limitations of time and space and at the sole discretion of the Festival and its Organizers.
Visitors are free to bring their own photography and/or recording devices for non-commercial use only.
Prior written permission from Valhalla Viking Festival LTD is needed if you wish to use the images/video for commercial activities. Commercial use includes asking the model for compensation when they request a high-resolution file of the photo.
Please do not bring anything to site that could be considered under the offensive weapons act.
Any weapons purchased from traders on site must immediately taken to your tent/car and cannot be carried around.
No reenactment weapons are allowed on festival grounds by anyone else than the registered reenactors part of the show. I know they're blunt and just complete the outfit you put a lot of effort in, but no, not even if they are peace tied. If any are found they will be confiscated and can be collected from the entrance tent upon departure. If you're bringing a foam larping prop... then it's not a weapon because you can't do any harm by swinging it and accidentally hitting someone so sure, feel free to bring your foam larping props, just nothing made out of metal that you could cause any accidental damage to someone else with.
The final decision lies with security. Please be patient and understanding if your weapon is not allowed in. Abusive behaviour towards volunteers, security staff or traders will result in the immediate removal from site without the right of a refund.