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Traders for Valhalla 2024


Traders that have been approved and covered their fees can come set up anytime on Thursday 24th of July 2025 (estimated arrival time must be confirmed before the event) and can't leave before Monday 28th of July 2025. No dismantling of stand while attendees are on site is NOT allowed. If you cannot set up on the Thursday and leave on the Monday DO NOT apply.

Prior attendance is not a guarantee of acceptance to trade at future festivals. Your application will be considered based on quality of submission, look of the stand, items on sale and how you can contribute. We'll prioritise those that can hold workshops, demonstrations or activities and those who make their own items. Based on feedback  we'll limit cross over between items as much as possible to give visitors the best choice of items and accepted traders the least competition between stalls giving everyone the best experience possible.The entrance tent is the only trader that will be selling horn products, you cannot have any horn items on your stall. If you are found to disregard this rule you will have to take the items off of your stand and will be banned from future events.

You must open daily at the time the festival opens and remain open until at least 19:00 although you can choose to stay open later. You can't leave on the Sunday while the festival is still open even if you completely sell out of items. Absolutely no dismantling of stands before Monday. Failure to comply with the trading rules will result in being denied any future trading applications at Valhalla. Arriving on Friday, unless otherwise agreed in advance and in writing with the organisers, will mean you will not be able to trade so please make arrangements to set up on the specified date of the 24th of July 2025. The address is Dummer Down Farm, Basingstoke, RG25 2AR  and directions can be found on the Find Us page.

Your trading pitch includes camping for tents only. If you need a campervan space, you will need to buy a campervan pass for the campsite.

We have a limited number of trader spaces available and plan to keep the spaces restricted so the traders that are accepted can have the best return however in exchange for this we will be adding some entry requirements other than just paying for a pitch, the entry requirement is to contribute in some way to Valhalla. The better you can help us make Valhalla great the better the return we can get you.

You must submit a photo of your stand display as part of the application. You will find an upload link in the form below to do this. Applications that do not submit an images of their stand/display as well as items will automatically fail. 

If you are not an approved trader, you cannot advertise at or leave promotional materials on site. If you are found to have done this, you will be banned from trading at Valhalla indefinitely. If you are an approved trader, you cannot advertise on behalf of a non-trading company. Failure to comply with this will result in you being banned from trading at Valhalla as well as the company you were advertising.

If you are a previous trader, you will have to apply again each year to trade and submit Public Liability and Indemnity Insurance that is valid for the dates of the festival you plan to attend. Prior attendance is not a guarantee of approval for future dates.

No pitch fee refunds are given for no-shows or withdrawls. Not showing up one year will automatically band you from trading at future events.

Only 1 business allowed to trade per pitch fee. You cannot trade multiple businesses from 1 stall. If you are a business that wishes to share a stand an extra fee will apply and you will be advertised separately on the traders page.

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Please upload some images of your stall or items (if food trader, please include food images, if retail please include photos of your items)
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Please upload some images of your stall or items (if food trader, please include food images, if retail please include photos of your items)
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Please upload some images of your stall or items (if food stall please include your menu)
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Please upload some images of your stall or items
What kind of tent/enclosure do you have? Provide info in Details box above if none of the drop down options apply

How can you contribute? Anything you can do to help will be considered even if it is just help with set up or take down If workshop please provide the following details: name of workshop, what will people make, how long will it take, how much will you charge, minimum age for participation, day/days and times you'd prefer to run? You need to provide your own tools and materials but you can charge for the workshop. If demonstration please provide details. If donating or lending decor, offering discount for something to display or helping in any other way please provide details. Just let us know how you can contribute to Valhalla. We promise to work hard to make Valhalla one of the best events to trade at of the year with a select few number of traders if you can help us make it great by contributing. We're building a community not just a market, one we hope you'll love being a part of.

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Upload your current certificate. If it expires before Valhalla 2024, you'll need to send the new one once it's renewed.
No file selected
Do you already have a written up risk assessment? Please upload it if you do. The above questions still have to be answered.
Trading Info

Priority will be given to traders who are willing to run a workshop, activities or demonstrations or help the festival in some way. Details for these must be accepted before trading permission is given. Traders can charge a fair price for the workshops.

Second priority for acceptance is having a medieval tent.

Any traders not qualifying for priority acceptance will be considered in January 2025 and contacted with a decision by the end of January.

If your application to trade is accepted you will be sent a link to cover the pitch fee. The pitch fee must be paid to confirm your space. Failurte to pay within 7 working days will close your acceptance and your space will be given to the next trader on the list.

Pitch fee for retail only stalls start at £150. Pitch fee for food traders starts at £300 without power. Power connections available at an extra cost of £50. You will be allocated the space you pay for. When appling in the size of your tent space you must include an allowance for how much space you need INCLUDING your guide ropes, not just the canvas size.

Pitch fee includes up to 2 traders per stall and 1 tent camping space. Additional wristbands can be purchased separately @£50 each. Wristbands must be purchased no later than 1 month before the event. 

Traders are welcome to enjoy the free entertainment available on site when their stalls are closed.    

Purchasing a festival ticket does not grant permission for trading. The trading application must be accepted and valid documentation must be sent in to be able to trade.

There are no feast concessions for traders. You're welcome to be a part of the feast but you have to book a ticket for it. 

Valid insurance documentation must be provided before the event or you will not be able to attend.

Food traders
Your application must include photos of your food and your food menu. 

Minimum trading times

You can stay open later if you wish (and we do recommend it), however you must trade at least for these hours. Please note it is advised for breakfast food vendors to be open by 8AM (we're all desperate for decent morning coffee and food) and it is recommended for other food vendors to be open late as peak food times were around 8PM in 2024.

Friday 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday 10:00 - 19:00



Traders will be allowed on the campsite from Thursday evening and must depart  on Monday. You can't set up on Friday unless agreed in writing in advance and you can't dismantle or depart before the festival closes to the public for insurance purposes.

Parking in the car park is free for traders for 1 car/van, additional vehicles must purchase a parking space. Camping is free for traders for tent camping only. If you have a campervan/van/caravan that you sleep in you will have to purchase a separate campervan space in the campsite. Only 2 traders per stall are included in the pitch fee. You will not be able to camp or park behind your stall in any area of the festival. You can either sleep inside your trading tent or in one of the campsites. Once you set up you must remove your vehicle off the main festival site.

Trading Terms & conditions

All traders must also abide by the site rules https://valhallavikingfestival.co.uk/pages/site-rules

The completion of the form does not guarantee acceptance of trading regardless of whether or not a weekend ticket has already been purchased.

In case of acceptance, you will be contacted for the next steps and payment of the pitch fee which finalizes the booking is made once terms are agreed. If payment is not completed within 7 calendar days, acceptance may be retract and the space offered to others. Valid insurance documentation can be sent at the latest 1 month before Valhalla. You cannot trade without providing the insurance details.

Should your application not be successful, your details will be kept on file and you may be contacted in case of cancellation from other vendors or for future events.

Traders must possess valid public liability and indemnity insurance for the duration of the festival. Failure to produce this will result in not being able to trade. Being untruthful about their existence when applying will result in your refusal to trade with no refund of the fee. 

If you fail to attend, you will not qualify for a pitch fee refund. 

You're welcome to cancel your attendance but pitch fees are non-refundable.

Access to electricity is not included in the pitch fee unless you've selected an option that specifically says you've upgraded to power. If access to power has been purchased one power connection will be brought to your area but you are responsible for providing your own extension leads/plugs.

There will be no food or entertainment on site on Thursday or Monday, please make arrangements as suitable. There is a lovely cafe with a farm shop within a 1-2 min walk of the festival though which we highly recommend called Honesty Cafe and it opens daily at 8AM. 

We reserve the right to reverse an offering of trading at Valhalla to those who are belligerent, aggressive or abusive towards any of the organising volunteers.  You will not be refunded and not allowed on festival grounds if your behaviour is deemed not to be suitable for the inclusive respectful environment we are looking to create. 

T&Cs above are not exhaustive and may be subject to change so please watch this space carefully to ensure you comply with the festival T&Cs