Festival Program
The Valhalla Viking Festival 2024 Schedule
Please check back regularly for updates as dome timings may still change or things added.
Wednesday - 24th July 2024
Volunteers & Set up only
Thursday - 25th July 2024
Volunteers, Traders & Set up only
Friday - 26th July 2024 - General Festival Schedule
10:00 Gates open
10:00 Market opens
10:00 Viking Hair & Make Up open
10:00 Henna Tattoos open
10:00 Willow Weaving have-a-go opens
10:00 Tattoos open
10:00 Have a go at Archery opens (Archery Zone) - no prebooking needed
10:00 Axe Throwing opens - no prebooking needed
10:00 Trebuchet & Crossbows Games open - no prebooking needed
10:00 Willow Weaving have-a-go - no prebooking needed
10:00 Various workshops start (check workshop schedules below)
10:00 Living History Village opens (by reenactment arena)
10:00 Birds of Prey open for meet and greet
12:30 MUSIC The Dark Bardess (on main stage in Feast Hall)
12:30 Battle (in reenactment arena)
14:00 Music Solfyr (on main stage in Feast Hall)
14:00 Weapons Demonstration (in reenactment arena)
15:00 Opening Ceremony (in Woodland Temple)
15:30 Battle (in reenactment arena)
16:00 MUSIC Perkelt (on main stage in Feast Hall)
16:00 Firewalking Assembly (Firewalking Zone)
16:10 Kids VS. Vikings (in reenactment arena)
17:00 Storytelling (in Woodland Temple)
17:00 Strongman performance (in reenactment arena)
17:45 Adult formations (in reenactment arena)
18:00 Feast starts letting in (Feast Hall)
18:45 MUSIC Anna Tam (on main stage in Feast Hall)
19:30 Storytelling (in woodland temple)
20:15 MUSIC WOJTEK GODZISZ (on main stage in Feast Hall)
21:30 Fire Show starts (in reenactment arena)
22:00 MUSIC Vlka Fenrika (on main stage in Feast Hall)
23:00 Storytelling (in woodland temple)
23:30 Bar last orders
00:00 Deadline for day visitors to vacate the festival grounds
00:30 Car park gates close for the night
Saturday - 27th July 2024 - General Festival Schedule
10:00 Festival opens to the public
10:00 Market opens
10:00 Viking Hair & Make Up open
10:00 Henna Tattoos open
10:00 Willow Weaving have-a-go opens
10:00 Tattoos open
10:00 Have a go at Archery opens (Archery Zone) - no prebooking needed
10:00 Axe Throwing opens - no prebooking needed
10:00 Trebuchet & Crossbows Games open - no prebooking needed
10:00 Various workshops start (see whokshops below)
10:00 Living History Village opens (by reenactment arena)
10:00 Willow Weaving have-a-go - no prebooking needed
10:00 Birds of Prey meet and greet open
11:00 Breathwork, glass walk, ice bath workshop (in the firewalking area)
11:30 Battle (in reenactment arena)
11:45 MUSIC Oldaf the Skald (on main stage in Feast Hall)
12:30 Handfasting in woodland temple (real pagan wedding ceremony, anyone welcome to watch but please be respectful of the couple if you wish to spectate and wish them well in their union)
13:00 MUSIC Anna Tam (on main stage in Feast Hall)
13:30 Weapons Demonstration (in reenactment arena)
14:00 Storytelling (in woodland temple)
14:30 MUSIC Sprigganmist (on main stage in Feast Hall)
14:45 Battle (in reenactment arena)
15:25 Kids VS. Vikings (in reenactment arena)
16:00 MUSIC Albion (on main stage in Feast Hall)
16:00 Firewalking assembly (firewalking zone)
16:15 Strongman Performance (in reenactment arena)
17:00 Storytelling (in woodland temple)
17:45 Adult Formations (in reenactment arena)
18:00 Feast starts letting in (Feast Hall)
18:30 MUSIC Kayt (on main stage in Feast Hall)
20:15 MUSIC Seidrblot (on main stage in Feast Hall)
21:30 Fire Show starts (in reenactment arena)
22:00 Boat Burning Ceremony (weather/drought depending - in reenactment arena)
22:15 MUSIC Perkelt (on main stage in Feast Hall)
23:00 Storytelling (in woodland temple)
23:30 Bar last orders
00:00 Deadline for day visitors to vacate the festival grounds
00:30 Car park gates close for the night
Sunday - 28th July 2024 - General Festival Schedule
10:00 Festival opens to the public
10:00 Market opens
10:00 Viking Hair & Make Up open
10:00 Henna Tattoos open
10:00 Willow Weaving have-a-go opens
10:00 Tattoos open
10:00 Have a go at Archery opens (Archery Zone) - no prebooking needed
10:00 Axe Throwing opens - no prebooking needed
10:00 Trebuchet & Crossbows Games open - no prebooking needed
10:00 Living History Village opens (by reenactment arena)
10:00 Various workshops start (see workshops below)
10:00 Willow Weaving have-a-go - no prebooking needed
10:00 Birds of Prey meet and greet opens
11:00 Breathwork, glass walk, ice bath workshop (in the firewalking area)
11:30 Battles/Viking Games start ad hoc (in reenactment arena)
11:30 MUSIC Kayt (on main stage in Feast Hall)
12:00 Handfasting in woodland temple (real pagan wedding ceremony, anyone welcome to watch but please be respectful of the couple if you wish to spectate and wish them well in their union)
13:00 MUSIC Ravenhymn (on main stage in Feast Hall)
13:00 Battle (in reenactment arena)
14:00 Storytelling (in woodland temple)
14:30 Weapons Demonstration (in reenactment arena)
15:00 MUSIC Ravensdale (on main stage in Feast Hall)
15:30 Cairn for the dead (in Woodland Temple)
16:00 MUSIC Seidrblot (on main stage in Feast Hall)
16:00 Firewalking assembly (firewalking zone)
16:00 Battle (in reenactment arena)
16:40 Kids VS. Vikings (in reenactment arena)
17:00 Storytelling (in woodland temple)
17:45 Adult Formations (in reenactment arena)
18:00 Feast starts letting in (Feast Hall)
19:00 MUSIC Anna Tam (on main stage in Feast Hall)
20:15 MUSIC Olaf the Skald
21:30 Closing Ceremony (in woodland temple)
22:00 Storytelling (in woodland temple)
23:30 Bar last orders
00:00 Deadline for day visitors to vacate the festival grounds
00:15 Car park gates close for the night
Monday - 29th July 2024
10:00 Visitors vacating deadline
Volunteers & Take-down only after
20:00 Volunteers, traders and performers thank you party for anyone helping with Set up, during the festival and take down
Tuesday - 30th July 2024
Volunteers & Take-down only
If you wish to book any of these workshops please visit the TICKETS page.
Archery and Axe throwing are also available as not pre-booked activities. Just walk up to their area for having a go at either of these on the day.
If any of the workshops show up as sold out on the website, please enquire with the workshop leader if there are any no-shows as you may still be able to join on the day
Friday - 26th July 2024 - Workshop Schedule
10:00 Immersive Experience Weaving (Bear Craft Encampment)
10:30 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
10:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
11:00 Leather bracelet (Workshop Tent 2)
11:10 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
11:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
11:30 Chainmaille workshop (Workshop Tent 3)
11:50 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
12:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
12:00 Runes (Workshop Tent 1)
12:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
12:30 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
12:30 Immersive Experience Weaving (Bear Craft Encampment)
13:10 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
13:15 Medieval Calligraphy (Workshop Tent 2)
13:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
13:30 Horn Carving (Workshop Tent 1)
13:50 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
14:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
14:00 Woodworking (The Longship Returns Tent)
14:00 Leather Belt Stamping workshop (Workshop Tent 3)
14:15 Medieval Calligraphy (Workshop Tent 2)
14:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
15:00 Immersive Experience Weaving (Bear Craft Encampment)
15:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
15:30 Have-a-go Tablet Weaving (Workshop tent 2)
16:00 Firewalking/Arrow Breaking (Firewalking Zone)
16:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
16:00 Jewellery Casting (Workshop Tent 1)
16:00 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
16:00 Firewalking (Firewalking Zone)
16:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
16:30 Chainmaille (Workshop Tent 3)
16:30 Have-a-go Tablet Weaving (Workshop tent 2)
16:40 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
17:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
18:00 Leather necklace (Workshop Tent 2)
18:30 Leather Carving Arm Guard (Workshop Tent 3)
Saturday - 27th July 2024 - Workshop Schedule
10:00 Immersive Experience Weaving (Bear Craft Encampment)
10:00 Naalbinding (Workshop Tent 3)
10:00 Leather Bracelet (Workshop Tent 1)
10:00 Leather Belt (Workshop Tent 2)
10:30 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
10:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
11:10 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
11:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
11:50 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
12:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
12:00 Medieval Calligraphy (Workshop Tent 2)
12:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
12:30 Chainmaille (Workshop Tent 3)
12:30 Immersive Experience Weaving (Bear Craft Encampment)
12:30 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
13:00 Medieval Calligraphy (Workshop Tent 2)
13:10 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
13:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
13:50 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
14:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
14:00 Woodworking (The Longship Returns Tent)
14:15 Chainmaille (Workshop Tent 3)
14:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
15:00 Make a Leather Holder ( Workshop Tent 1)
15:00 Immersive Experience Weaving (Bear Craft Encampment)
15:00 Have-a-go Tablet Weaving (Workshop tent 2)
15:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
16:00 Have-a-go Tablet Weaving (Workshop tent 2)
16:00 Firewalking/Arrow Breaking (Firewalking Zone)
16:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
16:00 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
16:00 Firewalking (Firewalking Zone)
16:00 Runes (Workshop Tent 3)
16:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
16:40 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
17:00 Naalbinding (Workshop Tent 3)
17:00 Leather Carving Arm Guard (Workshop Tent 1)
17:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
10:00 Naalbinding (Workshop Tent 3)
10:00 Leather Bracelet (Workshop Tent 1)
10:00 Leather Belt (Workshop Tent 2)
10:30 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
10:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
11:10 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
11:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
11:50 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
12:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
12:00 Medieval Calligraphy (Workshop Tent 2)
12:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
12:30 Chainmaille (Workshop Tent 3)
12:30 Immersive Experience Weaving (Bear Craft Encampment)
12:30 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
13:00 Medieval Calligraphy (Workshop Tent 2)
13:10 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
13:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
13:50 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
14:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
14:00 Woodworking (The Longship Returns Tent)
14:15 Chainmaille (Workshop Tent 3)
14:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
15:00 Make a Leather Holder ( Workshop Tent 1)
15:00 Immersive Experience Weaving (Bear Craft Encampment)
15:00 Have-a-go Tablet Weaving (Workshop tent 2)
15:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
16:00 Have-a-go Tablet Weaving (Workshop tent 2)
16:00 Firewalking/Arrow Breaking (Firewalking Zone)
16:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
16:00 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
16:00 Firewalking (Firewalking Zone)
16:00 Runes (Workshop Tent 3)
16:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
16:40 Archery Extended Session (Archery Range)
17:00 Naalbinding (Workshop Tent 3)
17:00 Leather Carving Arm Guard (Workshop Tent 1)
17:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
Sunday - 28th July 2024 - Workshop Schedule
10:00 Immersive Experience Weaving (Bear Craft Encampment)
10:00 Spiritual Art Workshop (Workshop Tent 3) CANCELLED
10:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
11:00 Leather Bracelet (Workshop Tent 2)
11:00 Leather Belt Stamping (Workshop Tent 1)
11:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
11:30 Chainmaille (Workshop Tent 3)
12:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
12:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
12:30 Immersive Experience Weaving (Bear Craft Encampment)
12:45 Chainmaille (Workshop Tent 3)
13:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
13:30 Horn Carving (Workshop Tent 1)
13:30 Medieval Calligraphy (Workshop Tent 2)
14:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
14:00 Woodworking (The Longship Returns Tent)
14:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
14:45 Runes (Workshop Tent 3)
15:00 Medieval Calligraphy (Workshop Tent 2)
15:00 Immersive Experience Weaving (Bear Craft Encampment)
15:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
16:00 Jewellery Casting (Workshop Tent 1)
16:00 Willow Weaving (Vidor Willow's encampment)
16:00 Firewalking (Firewalking Zone)
16:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
16:30 Illumination (Workshop Tent 2)
17:30 Blacksmithing (Blacksmith's Encampment)
17:45 Illumination (Workshop Tent 2)
18:00 Make a leather necklace (Workshop Tent 3)
18:00 Leather Carving Arm Guard (Workshop Tent 1)

Do you organise something we don't have on the list? We'd love to hear from you if you'd like to be a part of this! Get in touch