Entertainment/ Events are included in the cost of your ticket.
If you're looking for something less active to do than taking part in one of the many activities and workshops available, that you can enjoy with or withouth a horn full of mead in your hand, then we have plenty of options for you.
Please visit the
FESTIVAL PROGRAM PAGE to check what's going on when and where at Valhalla for specific times and locations but in large here's what you can expect.


Live Music will be performed in the Feast Hall throughout the day and evening featuring music using traditional instruments, rock and folk. Music performers currently include Seidrblot, Anna Tam and Perkelt to name a few.


Friday and Saturday you'll be able to meet a selection of stunning birds of prey brought to you by Falconry UK. The exact birds attending will be confirmed 7-10 days before the event, but Branwen the Raven may be one of them, feathers crossed! Come see them up close and learn more about them. Falconry UK is the leading UK rescue centre and you'll be able to donate towards their cause if you'd like, we are.


Keep your eyes peeled and you may be able to say hi to Bran The Raven. Bruce and Lou will be enjoying the festival with Bran from Friday until Sunday afternoon.

Take a seat and listen to tales of the Gods and great Vikings before us told by our amazing story tellers led by The Travelling Talesman. There will be 3 performances each day in the woodland temple.

As the light fades, enjoy the warmth of the fire-pits and the magic of our fire dancers.
See how the Vikings led their lives, where they lived and how they crafted in our two live history villages showing the Viking Age and the lives of the Varangnian Rus in historically accurate reproductions of the garments, crafts and dwellings.

Come see the Vikings battle in traditional gear and find out more about the battles that shaped our history.
plans include arrows being shot at the reenactors by our skilled archers and horses are undergoing training to display in battle!

Saturday night after the fire show we'll have a ceremonial boat burning (weather depending)
Handfasting (pagan wedding)

We've had the honour of witnessing some amazing unions at Valhalla and humbled that the happy couples have chosen Valhalla to tie the knot at
While every handfasting that takes place at Valhalla in the woodland temple is a private event, it does happen in the public space so if you wish to watch the ceremony and join in wishing well to the happy couple, you're more than welcome to. there will be a wedding on Saturday
Opening Ceremony
Cairn for the dead

To honour those no longer with us the Norse built Cairns. A pile of stones,by the side of the road. Join our priest in the Woodland Temple and add to the Valhalla Cairn to honour someone from your life who now walks with the Gods. Please bring your own stone to add to the Cairn.
Sunday @ 15:30
Closing Ceremony

We have various craftspeople on site that will be shwocasing their craft throughout the weekend. You'll be able to see demonstrations around the festival site across the weekend from various traders, blacksmiths as well as seeing them in the Living History encampment where the reenactors will be showing various activities throughout the festival. There's always something going on so have a wonder and explore!
Browse and shop from morning until evening in our Trader Village. Our market has been picked to showcase a wide and interesting range of items from Viking and modern times with the vast majority making their own items.
The market is oficially open 10:00-19:00 but all food stalls and some traders will stay open later than that.
Not feeling up to the task of joining in? You're more than welcome to spectate and support those taking part in the Firewalking ceremony
Weapons Demonstration
Meet Bjarni Thorvaldrson, the Science Viking. Find out about the physics of Viking weaponry and witness the slaying of the mythical Viking Battle Cabbage with very sharp Viking weapons. Check the Festival Program for arena demonstration times
Strongman Performance

Be amazed at the endurance of the human body by seeing the Strongman Performance in the main arena. Inspired by old-time strongmen, circus and sideshow performers, Alby's Show comprises a range of dangerous and difficult tricks, from steel bending and frying pan rolling, to balancing a sledgehammer on his face and driving a nail through a wooden board with his bare hand. With age-old classics such as the bed of nails and a giant barbell lift, along with lesser-known acts like handcuffed nail-bending and sledgehammer juggling, this show is not for the faint of heart and comes with the warning - don't try this at home!
Check the festival program for performance timings.

And more to come...

And more to come...
We'll be coming up with more wild and wonderful ways to entertain you at Valhalla Viking Festival, and we'd love to know what you want to see. Get in touch if you have any ideas, and check back here for updates.